Friday, May 18, 2007

Another ridicule

“ 较早前,马银行法律事务主管哲拉丁卡马拉纳登,发信给所有银行指定律师楼,通知他们从今年7月1日起,所有要获得马来亚银行工作的律师楼,最少必须拥有3名土著合伙人,而且其中一名土著合伙人须持有律师楼至少50%的股权。


The reason that had given by that bank was because, they encouraged bumiputras to work in financial and law firm, therefore they stipulated every Law company to have at least 3 bumiputras and one of them must have AT LEAST 50% share.

Isn't this ridiculous? Not merely that, but also because of Bumiputras had always find it hard to have a foothold on law firm, and chinese law companies were too competitive, therefore bumiputras could have their shares without hardwork! Is this what they meant?

People do not possess high position and great wealth by doing only little bit of work. People worked hard to achieve success. There is no FREE lunch in this world.

All the politician perpetually telling people in the world that Malaysian live harmoniously together in this multi-races country. If this kind of ridicule still happens in Malaysia, I don't think this LIE will come true.


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