Sunday, June 17, 2007

My sweet 17

13th June was an unforgettable day. :D I din expect such a surprise from my friends and I gotta really thanks them. hehehe. We were busy for Teacher's day celebration in this whole week.. hehe, thanks them for remembering my birthday. ^^

Durin the recess time.. they gathered near my table and handed me a tiny chocolate cake. They juz greeted a simple Happy Birthday, and mentioned that they were too busy for the teacher's day and din manage to buy a cake for me. I was pretty happy thou. :D

Durin the 2nd recess time, I headed to the hall and practised my piano. After some times, all ma classmate walked towards me and gathered round me.. and started to sing Happy Birthday song! :~~~~~) that was really surprising.. and here's the tiny choc cake with a candle on it. ^^

After school time.. I went back to classroom from the hall..and found that there was the real and actual celebration there.. kaka, a birthday cake, and a birthday song once again... and then....we took photos and.. they played with the cake.. hehe.

Although there was no birthday present for me tis year..ahem..:D. except the one from JC..lolx. but it was a sweet sweet 17 of mine. :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The day before school reopen

趁假期没结束前,赶紧血拼一番。heh heh heh.
我今天的look. 最近超爱大红色。 Zara复古有领衣。
复古风T-shirt!!! 超喜欢。

Sunday, June 03, 2007


有一天.... 一个有智慧的教授问他的学生以下的问题: "为什么人生气时说话是用来喊的?"

所有的学生都用了很久的时间来想, 其中有个学生说"因为我们丧失了冷静吧, 所以我们用喊的",

"但是为什么别人就在你旁边而已, 你还是用喊的呢? 难道不能小声说吗? 为什么总是用喊的呢?"

教授又问到.... 几乎所有的学生都七嘴八舌的说了一大堆....可是却没有一个让教授满意的....

最后教授解释说: "当两个人生气的时候, 心的距离是远的.... 而为了遮盖当中的距离使对方能够听见, 于是必须用喊的, 但是在喊的同时人会更生气, 相反的距离也就越遥远了. 距离越远.... 喊的就越大声, 越生气.....

教授接着继续说, " 而当两个人在相恋时会怎样呢? 相反的... 他们不舍得大声说话, 不但不会喊, 而且说话都很亲声细语, 为什么呢? 因为他们的心很接近, 心与心之间没有距离, 所以相恋中的人都是用儿语式的交谈, 但是心中的爱因而更深, 到后来根本不需要任何的言语, 只通过眼神也能清楚知道对方想说些什么....因为心与心之间已经没有距离了....

所以最后...教授的结论是:"当两个人争吵时, 不要让心的距离变远, 更不要说些会让心更远的话, 自然的过了几天, 等到心的距离没有酱远时, 再好好的说吧"

Saturday, June 02, 2007






Friday, June 01, 2007

He needs a hair cut.

